
1870 MAP of South Kingstown, (includes Point Judith, Tuckertown, etc.) Rhode Island (RI), with inset maps of Kingston village & Narragansett Pier and Business Directory for Kingston, Narragansett Pier and Berryville

# RH115
1870 MAP of South Kingstown, (includes Point Judith, Tuckertown, etc.) Rhode Island (RI), with inset maps of Kingston village & Narragansett Pier and Business Directory for Kingston, Narragansett Pier and Berryville
This map is reprinted from the 1870 Atlas of the State of Rhode Island (RI), published by D. G. Beers. This map shows Glen Rock District, Usquepaug P.O., Yawgoo District, Worden's Pond, Rocky Brook P.O., Peacedale P.O., South Ferry District, Boston Neck, Tower Hill, Sugar Loaf, Upper Point Judith, Point Judith, Stony Point, Perryville, Green Hill, Matoonoc District, Tuckertown, Perkins District, etc.)
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