
1881 Old MAP of Mount Desert Island, Maine (ME), and adjacent islands, embracing the towns of Bar Harbor, Eden, Mount Desert, Tremont & Cranberry Isles.

# MEHA74
1881 Old MAP of Mount Desert Island, Maine (ME), and adjacent islands, embracing the towns of Bar Harbor, Eden, Mount Desert, Tremont & Cranberry Isles.
This historical old Mount Desert map was reproduced from the Atlas of Hancock County, Maine (ME), published in 1881 by S.F. Colby & Co. Towns shown on this map: Tremont, Mount Desert and Eden. Also shown: Western Gay, Thomasw Island, Hull's Cove, Hadley's Poit, Bar Harbor,BarIsland,Gull's Cliff, The Thrumbcap, Schooner Head, Great Head, Otter Cliff, Long Pond, Baker's Island, Gott Island, Bass Harbor Head, The Nubble., Western Way, Aourh Qwar Hevoe, Sutton's Island, Cranberry Island, Little Cranberry, Bass Harbor, Rice Point, Bulger's Head, Dearborn's Point, Mouse Island, Dodgee's Point, Bartlett's Island, Pretty Marsh, Goose Cove, Mitchell's Cove, Greening Island, Pretty Marsh Harbor, Somes Sound, Eagle Lake, Jordan's Pond, Great Pond, Northeast Harbor, Robinson's Mt., Broad Cove, Clark's Cove, and much more. This map shows many family names.
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