

Reproductions of old maps of Massachusetts towns, villages and cities. Most of the maps show the family name on each house. Also shown: schools, churches, saw- and grist-mills, shops and factories, livery stables, railroad tracks and stations, etc.

Barnstable County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Barnstable County published in 1880 by G. H. Walker.

Berkshire County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Berkshire County published in 1876 by F. W. Beers.

Bristol County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Bristol County, published in 1871 by F. W. Beers.

Essex County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Essex County published in 1872 by D. G. Beers.

Franklin County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Franklin County published in 1871 by F. W. Beers.

Hampshire County maps are reproduced from the Atlas of Hampshire County published in 1873 by F. W. Beers.

Hampden County maps are from the Atlas of Hampden County published in 1870 by F. W. Beers.

Middlesex County maps are from the Atlas of Middlesex County published in 1875 by F. W. Beers.

Norfolk County maps are from the Atlas of Norfolk County published in 1876 by Comstock & Cline.

Plymouth County maps are from the Atlas of Plymouth County published in 1879 by Geo. H. Walker.

Worcester County maps are from the Atlas of Worcester County published in 1870 by F. W. Beers.

Suffolk County maps are from various sources, as noted in each map's description.

 Also see our Town Descriptions for Massachusetts. These are excerpts from the Gazetteer of Massachusetts, writtene in 1873 by the Rev. Elias Nason, describing the towns as they were then.


A description of Worcester County published in 1873: Worcester County was incorporated April 2, 1731, and contains 192,718 inhabitants, with a valuation of $131,022,996. It extends entirely through the State from north to south, and embraces an area of about 1,500 square miles. The surface is undulating, broken, and varied by several prominent elevations. Mount Wachusett, in the town of Princeton, has an atitude of 2,480 feet; Asnebumsket Hill, in Paxton, of 1,407 feet; Hawe;s Hill, in Barre, of 1,284 feet; Tufts Hill, in New Braintree, of 1,179 feet; and Hatchet Hill, in Southbridge, of 1,016 feet, above sea-level.
The principal rivers are the Nashua, flowing north-easterly into the Merrimack; the French and the Blackstone, draining the south-easterly sections of the county; the Chicopee and Miller's River, flowing westerly into the Connecticut River. These streams, together with their numerous tributaries, afford a vast hydraulic power, which is, for the most part, utilized. The county is intersected by various railroad and telegraphic lines, rendering communication with the shire-towns, Worcester and Fitchburg, and also with the other cities of the state and county, easey and immediate.
The geological formation is, for the most part, calcareous and ferruginous gneiss, Merrimack schist, and the St. John's group. In these meta morphic rocks occurs a great variety of curious and interesting minerals. The flora is rich and varied; and the farms, especially in respect to the produce of the dairy, are equal, if not superior, to those of any other county in the State. The county has 865 public schools, six incorporated academies, and one college.
635 Items.  Showing Items 101 thru 150.
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Sheffield map
This historical town map of Sheffield, Massachusetts (MA), was reproduced from the 1876 Beers Atlas of Berkshire County.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1876 Beers Atlas of Berkshire County
$12.00 - $18.00
New Marlborough map, New Marlboro map
This historical town map of New Marlborough, Massachusetts (MA), was reproduced from the 1876 Beers Atlas of Berkshire County.
$12.00 - $18.00
Sandisfield map
This historical town map of Sandisfield, Massahusetts, was reproduced from the 1876 Beers Atlas of Berkshire County.
$12.00 - $18.00
lists of Attorneys, Dentists, Livery Stables, Banks, Physicians & Surgeons, Merchants & Manufacturers, etc., by town. Reproduced on parchment, but not matted. Reproduced from the 1876 Beers Atlas of Berkshire County
This historical old Attleborough map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871. Alternate spelling: Attleboro.
$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old North Attleborough centre map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Attleborough map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Mansfield map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Mansfield map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Norton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Easton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Easton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Taunton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Taunton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Raynham map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Seekonk map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Rehoboth map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Dighton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Dighton map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Berkley map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Somerset and Swansea map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Somerset map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Fall River map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00
This historical old Fall River map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.
$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Freetown map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Westport and Assonet map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Westport map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Dartmouth map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Dartmouth map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old New Bedford map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1871 Beers Atlas of Bristol County
$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Acushnet map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Fair Haven map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This historical old Fair Haven map was originally published in the Beers Atlas of Bristol County, in 1871.

$12.00 - $18.00

This broadside was reproduced by the Holden Historical Society, Inc., in 1991, from the original at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester. The Officers for 1861 include: President, Theron E. Hall; Secretary & Treasurer J. H. Gleason; Standing Committee: A. Putnam, D. F. Parmenter, Ira Broad, Ethan Davis, J. E. Cheney, J. S. Holt, Charles Knowlton, Simon Hubbard and Paul Wadsworth. The Pursuing Committee includes: H. W. Abbott, W. W. Clapp, Sumner Chamberlin, Charles Bryant, S. L. Snow, A. F. Damon, Charles Knowlton, J. B. Jepherson, William H. Drury, P. S. Winn, Amasa Howe, T. E. Hall, Silas Flagg, Jr., Ethan Davis, William H. Walker and Alfred Ladd.

The broadside is dated Holden, Janury 12th, 1861.

Copies are available through the Holden Historical Society, Main Street, Holden, MA 01520 or you may through this web page.

$12.00 - $18.00
This historical old Barnstable County, Nantucket, Elizabeth Islands, and Martha's Vineyard map is reproduced from the 1871 Wallings & Gray Atlas of Massachusetts (MA). No family names. Many place names shown, including Cuttyhunk Light, Gosnolds Pond, Quicks Hole, Robinson's Hole, Kettle Cove, Tarpaulin Cove, French Watering Point, West Chop, East Chop, Tashmu Spring, Oyster Pond, Herring Pond, Deep Bottom Cove, Sandy Cove, Great Thumb Cove, Homers Cove, Black Point, Noman;s Land, Old Man Rocks, Squash Meadow, etc.
$12.00 - $18.00

This map of the proposed Cape Cod Canal is titled: Survey across the Isthmus of Cape Cod, State of Massachusetts (MA), and Town of Sandwich of a proposed Canal between Buzzards Bay and Barnstable Bay, 1825." Includes a Tide Table for Barnstable Bay and a Tide Table for Buzzards Bay.

Drawn by Lt. Thompson, Etched by Lt. Farley by order of the Eng. Dept.; Surveyed under the direction of Maj. Terault U.S.T.E., by Lt. Searle, 6th Art. V., Lt. Smith, 7th Artillery, Lt. Thompson, 5th Infantry v.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the Wallings & Gray atlas of Massachusetts (MA), published in 1871. No family names, but many localities named, including: Head of the Harbor, Great Point Light, Swuam Swamp, Sechacha Pond, Plainfield, Siasconset, South East Quarter, Forked Pond, Toochka Pond, Madequecham Pond, Nobadee Pond, South Pasture, Weweeder Ponds, Miacomet Pond, Little Mioxes Pond, Great Mioxes Pond, Hummock Pond, Long Pond, Maddequet, Washing Pond, Maxey Pond, Nantucket Harbor, Tuckernuck Island, Tuckernuck Bank, Muskegot Island, Gravelly Island, Smiths Point, weedweeder Shoal, Quaise, Sankaty Light, etc.
$12.00 - $18.00
(AMESBURY, MA Map) This historical old Amesbury map is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA).  
$12.00 - $18.00
(ESSEX COUNTY, MA) This historical old Essex County map is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County. The map shows town lines, villages, and railroads.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County
$12.00 - $18.00
(SALISBURY, MA) This historical old Salisbury map is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA). Many houses are identified by the property owner's name; many topographical features are identified, such as: Powow Hill, Salisbury Point, Carr's Island, Ram Island, Rings Island, Sow & Pig, Coffins Point, Halftide Rock, Black Rocks, Badger ROck, Salisbury Beach, Healey's Canal, Dead Creek, Little River, Town Creek. The Salisbury Branch Railroad and the Eastern Railroad are shown.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County
$12.00 - $18.00
This old map of Amesbury, Massachusetts, is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County
$12.00 - $18.00
(NEWBURYPORT, MA) This historical old Newburyport map is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA). Shown on this map: Deer Island, Eagle Island, Carrs Island, Ram Island, North Pier, South Pier, Half Tide Rock, Joppa or newburyport Flats, Woodbridges Island, Seal Island, northern tip of Plum Island, location of lighthouse.
$12.00 - $18.00
Reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA)
$12.00 - $18.00
(NEWBURY, MA) This historical old Newbury map is reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA). The northern half of Plum Island is shown, as well as Woodbridges Island and Seal Island. Villages include Knight's Crossing and Lowergreen Village.
$12.00 - $18.00
(WEST NEWBURY, MA) Reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA), this historical old map of West Newbury shows the family names on most houses.
$12.00 - $18.00
(GROVELAND, MA) This historical old map of Groveland was reproduced from the 1872 Beers Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts (MA). This map shows the property owner's name on every house that existed in 1872.
$12.00 - $18.00
635 Items.  Showing Items 101 thru 150.
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